Saturday, September 20, 2008

Peronality, Youtube aging, Internet arguing, how to pee and getting served by people you know.


Damn, well first off last night was a shit session for me and my crew. We walked around the city trying to find somewhere to dance at... and by the time we found one we were too tired. So we sessioned and wow we made oh so many mistakes in our sets. Hard fucking gay. Anyways onto the blog.

So i wanted to talk about personality. Some people consider others to be fakes that is, they are hiding their true self. But i personally do that. I have shades of who i am. Maybe to you i might seem nice or a prick or annoying but to others i try to express my true self. For example, in Shanghai i generally try to be nice to everyone and if i need help with something or something feels wrong i'll say it whereas here i try to be more of a dick to people and just laugh like hell really. It's hard to explain i guess if you could be a different person everyday you would understand. But it's just who i am. I'm not actually hiding who i am, the fact that i have changing personalities is just part of my personality if that makes any sense. I guess you could say its like eating food. Sometimes you save the best shit for last and i guess i sorta do that only instead of best and last it just really depends on who you are and what i'm feeling at the time. Hhhmm... do you do that? Just wondering lol cause i do know other people who do it.

Youtube is becoming fucking gay. And it's for a reason. You see, for some fucked up reason, you don't seem to age on youtube. You just sorta stay 16 or 18 or whatever age you put for the rest of your life according to youtube. It's especially fucking annoying because some videos recquire that you be 18 to view them and since you don't age well, you would have to get another account. Sigh... i thought they would have picked up on that problem and fixed it but apparently not. Now since i'm on the topic of the internet i would like to talk about something which is purely retarded. Internet arguing. Yes it comes in all sorts of forms, youtube,, msn etc you get the point. But it's the shittalking that really gets me pissed off. I know i talked about this last week but it doesn't seem to go away. People who argue and bitch and shit over the internet are actually just pussies and yes i'm referring to someone Cassie, if you have something to say to someone say it to their face cause what your trying to do is get a message accross and hiding behind a computer screen will not do that for you. It's funny though cause i can imagine Cassie going up to the guy and giving him shit and how he won't be able to talk shit back XD. I'm pretty sure i've asked him why he doesnt just give shit to her straight up and i didn't really get a solid answer...

Public toilets. Most people don't take shits on them and i can understand why. For some reason, and i don't know if this applies to female toilets, people don't know how to pee properly. Its all over the toilet seat and on the fucking floor like damn dude its not that hard just aim for where the water is for fuck's sake. Sigh i don't think i'll ever be able to understand why people can't learn to pee. And it's the same with toilet rolls. I don't see why people have to be retards and throw water on the toilet roll and you see, the fucked up thing is that they dont actually remove the toilet roll so either A: They splash the water from the toilet bowl onto it with their hands or B: They put in the effort to carry water over and pour it onto the toilet roll. Sigh.

Have you ever been served by someone you know at school or like at uni or whatever at KFC or Mcdonalds or any store to be really general? Do you feel the awkwardness? I don't mean getting served by your friends but by people you know but don't know well enough. I always find it strange and for some odd reason i feel the need to burst out laughing. I need help... I can't describe the awkwardness i know i try to like make awkwardness less awkward but this is a no zone. I sort of just try to avoid eye contact and order what i want and get the fuck out of there.

So that's all that was really on my mind this week oh yeah Super Round Box 3 is on next Friday but i actually feel sort of ready. Now, it's time for some hardcore asian TB speak. SIF SSIIIFFF BRROO SIF GG GFG GEE GEE MUCH!?!? MUCH!?!?!? PLOX PLOX GEE GEE. No. Stop now. Just stop.

Wish me luck for SRB3 or you will feel the wrath of my penis,
The King of Random

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