Monday, December 29, 2008

You fucking midget junkie motherfucker.

To Adam,

Eat a fucking dick. Yes, that's right, eat a dick. I hope you die you fucking little turd. You are a cunt monkey. You are the reason that there is evil in the world. You are the reason for Di Wang's existence. You are the reason that Hitler hated the jews. How? I don't know but its YOUR fault you midget fuck. Please, PLEASE for the sake of the universe put a knife against the wall, have a sniper in position to blow your fucking head off, anally rape youself with a 19 inch dildo, and run towards the knife. Then i hope that you spontaneously combust so that the world can be rid of your gayness.

Sincerely yours,
The King of Random.

Thursday, December 25, 2008


So so so,

How is everyone doing? Good i hope. Sigh... It's Christmas and i'm sick and sad... sort of. This shit happens every year, for real. But the only time it's been this bad was about 3 years back and back then i made a stupid move. I bottled it all up, held it in and let it eat my sanity... well no i'm still sane. I won't make that move again hence the post. Again, jealousy is a bitch.

I'm reading this conversation between my friend and this guy she knows, he doesn't wanna ever see her again because he knows he can't get with her. He's saying he loved her before, but how can you love someone if you don't get any back? What the fuck is that? That's just obsession dude. And again i'm stuck on this topic. I think it exists now though, it's just people like me can't understand it yet, we're still too young. Wow i know alot of people who would counter that, i'd only listen to about 1 though. Oh and by the way i'm no longer going to be The King of Random, i'm going to be 56.70 to highlight how pathetic i am =_=

I'm not sure why it is that i do this but when i'm sad or pissed off, i just don't talk. Its scary =O but it happens. And i make up excuses when people ask whether i'm okay. Pretty fucking sweet method i reckon. But there is some part of me that wants to scream at the person "FUCK YOU CUNT !!!" Ah well, that's just how i deal with these sort of things i guess. How do you? Looks like this is gonna be a hell of a short post.

Have a merry fucking Christmas,

Monday, December 15, 2008

Age is a whore that i'd like to shoot in the face.


This post is gonna offend alot of people mainly because of one topic i'm gonna talk about but we'll get to that. I'm currently in Shanghai and i've been here for about a week but fuck it's actually pretty boring... hhmmm actually no now that i come to think of it it's been pretty sweet. Even for the one week i've been here. Speaking of Shanghai, i wanted to tell y'all about Asian parents. And i guess Chinese parents in particular... Chinese parents are sometimes extremely.... stupid. And i really do mean that. There's alot of shit that goes down in China which involves a top stupid getting a shit mark, the parents bitching about how worthless he/she is because they got a shit mark, the student then committing suicide and then----------------------------

Alrighty sorry about the sudden change but i'm at a crossroads again. Right now as i'm writing this... it's another effing test of whether i'm an asshole or not and i think i'm gonna be the asshole this time.

The King of Random

I'll continue the rant next time.