Thursday, June 11, 2009

Long time, no post.

Howdy everyone,

I haven't posted in over 2 months so i thought i would post since i can't focus on studying haha. This is going to be a loooong ass post so it might get boring. Its the 12th of June 2:05 AM as i write this, for most people you would be sleeping but for me this has become normal. My life hasn't changed that much but when i think about it it has.

Me and my girlfriend, we're still together. We've been through alot of rough times but we still managed to stay together in the end. I'm going to see her in 18 days and boy i can't wait. My life sometimes seems to revolve around her though and when i think about it it sort of does. Maybe i give too much of myself up to her haha i mean i stay up till 2 AM sometimes 4 AM just for her cause of her work. Alot of issues are coming at us and in a way i sometimes feel as if we're both kids lost in a busy, scary city. We adapt fast like most but alot of shit still hits us hard. Not so much me as i'm being exposed to the filth of this world. I just mean the many pathetic acts people seem to commit these days. I don't want to live in this world at times but i don't really have a choice now do i? In particular i keep finding myself being faced with that issue of... monogamy. Her too since alot of her co-workers are screwing more than 1 person, sometimes even more than 1 person at the same time which is... filthy. And i HATE it when people say "Oh don't be surprised, It's normal(正常)" i swear to God i fucking hate that so much because even if that shit is normal, at least pretend to be shocked and pretend that it isn't normal. And a PARTICULAR person (i think you know who you if you were to read this although you wont since you don't know i have a blog) says the funniest shit, she says it's normal when its happening to someone i know and when it happens to me "oh... are you alright?" i appreciate your concern but goddamn choose a side, don't sit on the fucking fence.

Anyways, i've developed a particular hatred for middle-aged men. Businessmen to be exact and i find that my views are a bit.... extreme. No. Not a bit. REALLY extreme. Hahahahahaha it makes me laugh as i'm writing this because as i read what i've written i realize the insanity of all of it. Basically, all middle aged businessmen are perverted and need to be either killed if they don't have any children or castrated if they do because they all cheat. Pathetic. I guess thats what happens when your girlfriend works at hooters though, you get a shitload of douchebags. I feel a bit sad though because i know i have on numerous occasions pissed Cindy off for making certain comments about her friends because of their status but i have no regrets, what i say is what i feel from the heart. Me and one of her friend's really are similar however i don't know if he's brought that up.

As for my bboying, i feel as if i'm getting better day by day well not so much now but very recently. I've been winning battles and damn it feels good.. but i have still yet to win a jam. I'm sort of beginning to understand my dance though because i guess i'm at that period now when i really start to get into the scene. I'm mostly training power now because its the missing link for me but i am so retarded when it comes to power. Its like Marcus getting laid. Yeah...

Uni is just uni there aint really nothing special about it oh wait no i go to UWS yeah apart from the Nazis and shit its a pretty good uni. I love the ignorance of everyone though and in particular these 4 kids from Penrith who seem to think they are cultured. I have a bit of a story to share about one of the kids i call him the Aryan because he has the true values of an Aryan and his name is German too. Anyways i was telling one of my tutor's that my girlfriend was in China and how technology helped us maintain our relationship and then he heard and as i was going home he goes like "So, is your girlfriend mando or kanto?" And i thought well okay this guy is white so i guess he doesn't know that much and i told him my girlfriend could speak mando and wen zhou hua and then, THEN he says the funniest thing i have heard in ages: "Oh yeah? I got a friend who's Chinese." WWWOOOOWWW YOU MUST BE SPECIAL OR SOME SHIT YOU HAVE A FRIEND WHO'S CHINESE!?!?!? OH MY GOD I AM FUCKING SURPRISED.. Sarcasm. Seriously and i thought we lived in a fucking multi-cultural country. Goddammit....

The King of Random.


Josh said...

Meh. Don't let those people get to you, everyone is ignorant in some way or another.

Some people can't even help it, they were raised a certain way and/or their unique life experiences molded their personalities to the way they are now.

Anonymous said...

Part 1:

I'm probably 3x your age, so been there, done that. I wish someone had told me this at your age: No woman is worth that kind of internal angst. Besides, women are not leaders, they're followers. That means they look to YOU for leadership, and if you don't provide it, you're a faggy, wishy-washy POS not worth wasting time on.

So, polite? Yes. Concerned? Yes. Comforting? Sure. Protective? Yeah. Wrapped around an axle with angst and self-loathing because she's playing stupid games? HELL NO!

If you're acting like a man (not a psycho, just a man) and she doesn't want to be with you... meh! There really ARE plenty of fish in the sea. It's her loss, not yours.

The problem with being young is that you have less experience, so you develop tunnel vision. Because you've only seen a limited number of choices, you think your choices are limited. Here's a hint: They're not.

What do women look for? For over 100,000 years they've looked for a good provider, a protector, someone who will treat them well and make them feel safe. Why? Because women who did not have that could not raise children to adulthood - and from an evolutionary standpoint, they "failed", meaning their genes were not passed on. So for 100,000 years nature has been crafting women to be followers and servants and men to be warriors and providers.

Back in the 60s we got a big dose of "I am woman, hear me roar", but that's all more self-delusion than anything else. Women are still (and forever will be) psychologically dependent. That means if you want the maximum opportunities, the best opportunities, you need to be independent. Now today's women are more mixed up than ever before, because there's a propaganda line that they are somehow equal to men and men are turning into little neutered purse puppies (like you) who surrender their masculinity to try to please women. But women as equals? Truth is, they aren't and never will be. In terms of thinking, it's true, women are on par with men - but their thought processes are distantly different. Men tend to be deductive and deep thinking. Women tend to be inductive and broad thinking. Well, that's another whole book. But when it comes to physical strength, the only women on par with men are those who are chemically-aided (steroids). So, brains roughly equivalent, strength, all male. Who's equal now? Never forget that MEN made the world safe enough for WOMEN to act stupid.

So here's my advice to you: Forget women. Get your shit together. Get your education, get your career lined up, get your life stable and secure. Once you have your own home, a stable income, a plan for your life, how do you think you will stack up against the pathetic whiner you are today? Build your kingdom. Circulate among the women. Let them come to you... and when the one you want finds you, don't show any sign of desperation (the LEAST attractive thing you can do). Instead, show her your kingdom and let her imagine how nice it would be for it to become her "nest".

In our society, women select the men, so the key is to set yourself up as acceptable to LOTS of women and let them come to you. For all the women who come to you who do not interest you, just move on. Think of them as "training". But don't EVER change for a woman. By that I don't mean minor things. Yes, you can put the toilet seat down if she asks very nicely and you feel like it. You might even take out the trash. But the minute you exhibit any sort of uncertainty or worry, or weakness or angst about whether you are pleasing her, you lose. You become something other than the sexy, self-assured, independent possessor of every quality her biology demands. You become a sorry piece of crap.

Anonymous said...

Part 2:

And women will TEST men on this. Suppose you're dating for a while and she says, "I think we should see other people" or "I'm not that into you". Don't cry. Don't beg. Just smile and say, "Okay. Thanks for telling me" and move on. If you feel like it, you can even say, "I'll miss you." But no emotional turmoil. No sign you're not in control. Believe it or not, this will UP your cred. Why? Because you now appear even MORE independent and self-assured than before, and there's no doubt who is in charge. Her attempt to manipulate you has FAILED. If she really isn't into you - then you've saved yourself a lot of headache and heart ache. If she's just testing you (and most women will), then you've passed with flying colors. To further improve your standing, turn around and date other women. Word will get back to her and she'll realize she could really lose you forever. Why do you think women are so petty and jealous? Because they know other women are lining up to take their provider/protector. So dating another woman not only tells the last one she's about to lose any hold she had on you, it tells every other woman around, "Hey! This guy is a good catch! Look at the woman who wants him!"

Now she becomes desperate to please you... or not. (Maybe she really isn't into you.) But never do anything against your basic nature, and never give up any part of yourself that is important to you. After all, think about what attracted her to you in the first place. If you stop being that, then what are you?

Always deal with women from a position of strength. Never a position of weakness. Women are not leaders. If you are dancing to her tune, then you are not a leader either, and you will NOT be what she wants.

One final note: Women talk. Endlessly. About nothing. Your biggest sacrifice (and most difficult thing to do, as a man) is to listen. See, women evolved sitting around the campfire talking with other women while the men were out hunting and working. There's significant anthropological evidence that one survival trait of women is "networking" - staying in people's good graces so that if her "provider" gets killed on a hunt, she has someone else who will help her raise her children.

Women don't STOP talking just because they've found a man and are secure. They will bring your all their problems - whether you want to hear them or not. Just make reassuring noises once in a while and not your head. Ask some non-committal questions once in a while. She doesn't really want your answers. She doesn't want you to solve her problems. Mostly she just wants to hear herself talk. Whatever you do, do NOT offer the obvious solutions to her trivial problems. If she comes home complaining that "Katie in accounting is gossiping about me", don't offer the obvious, "Why don't you confront her?" Instead say something like, "Oh that's terrible" or the more risky, "Why do you think she's doing that?" The former says, "I'm on your side". The latter may give her the scope to open up even more (useful for diffusing pent up emotion) but at the risk of expanding the diatribe or even making it sound like you're questioning her assessment.

Of course, if you tell her what to do about "Katie", then you become responsible for the outcome AND you're essentially saying, "You're too dumb to figure this out for yourself and I'm tired of listening to you" - which may be true, but then, it's a sacrifice you have to make.