Monday, April 13, 2009



It's been a long time but i'm really stressed out right now so i can't think of any other way. I'm losing it, my world seems to be collapsing right before my eyes. I really hate myself sometimes, purely because of my age. It's cause of something she said to me today but it's making me more depressed. I don't know why but it's becoming more and more... important to me. I always find myself faced with this problem just when I think I've dealt with it. Damn this is gonna sound extremely faggy and it's gonna go against everything i believe in but... the girl i love can never feel the same about me. Cause of age. And I've put myself in her shoes and i think I would do the same as her. I mean c'mon, the guy your dating is 5 years younger than you. You should be ashamed of yourself. No, you shouldn't cause that shit doesn't matter. It's legal so what's the problem with it? Fuck, we're better than most couples who have secret motives, who are doing shit behind each other's backs, who use each other for personal gain. Fuck everyone who thinks it's wrong, fuck social morals, fuck age.

till next time,
The King of Random.


Unknown said...


Unknown said...

I live in Indonesia!