Saturday, March 21, 2009

Penis Tea Drink.


This was the post i INTENDED to write before the super awkward conversation between my father and me happened. Uni has started and well... all of you are feeling the full effect of that. I'm back with Cindy cause she's that awesome haha. Most of you probably knew that though. Anyways this issue which i haven't really been faced with has sort of surfaced again and now that i think about it, humans are so fucked. Like seriously fucked. The issue is cheating. It seems so.......................... common. And because of how frequent it is it sort of makes me dissapointed in the human race. I guess you could link it to greed cause greed is usually one of the reasons we do it. Aahhh fucked up... seriously I dont understand why people do it. I mean of course if in a relationship both of you are good and then randomly, one of you cheats. What the fuck. That is so unfair and selfish == but it's like.. normal. I think it would be considered as normal in today's society. Huh. How very fucked up.

Sorry this post is so serious. Its just its been on my mind for a whole week now and i really am lost when i try to explain it. I hope i never do that shit. Never ever. This post is being influenced by a small asian. A small asian who happens to owe me 50 bucks? Wednesday? Have my money bitch? Hahaha anyways, she was telling me about this argument her and her boyfriend had, or should i say have every week, about freedom within a relationship. I know i've touched on this subject before but it was more specific what she said. She asked if it was okay if your partner went to the movies one on one with one of their friends who happened to be the opposite sex. So for example if i went with a girl to watch a movie. But she was my good friend. Would that be okay? I told her no but i think if you were to ask me this before i met Cindy i probably would have said yes :S. The male psyche is indeed very very strange...

And here we go with the randomness. Most of you who read this live in Australia but for those who don't we have this chain franchise here called Easyway and it sells bubble tea drinks. If you don't know what those are well then you fucking suck. Nah i'm kidding. Its like zhen zhu nai cha only theres all these other ones like fruit green tea and shit. Anyways i noticed that... only asians work there. And i mean if there was a requirement that you needed to speak certain languages well then yeah thats okay but the asians are pretty.... diverse. Like there are filos and shit working there but NO WHITE people. Its pretty funny i guess cause its the asian way of getting back at the whiteys hahahaha. Well thats all i can really think about writing. Sorry!

Have my money ready by Wednesday BEOTCH,
The King of Random.

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