Monday, December 29, 2008

You fucking midget junkie motherfucker.

To Adam,

Eat a fucking dick. Yes, that's right, eat a dick. I hope you die you fucking little turd. You are a cunt monkey. You are the reason that there is evil in the world. You are the reason for Di Wang's existence. You are the reason that Hitler hated the jews. How? I don't know but its YOUR fault you midget fuck. Please, PLEASE for the sake of the universe put a knife against the wall, have a sniper in position to blow your fucking head off, anally rape youself with a 19 inch dildo, and run towards the knife. Then i hope that you spontaneously combust so that the world can be rid of your gayness.

Sincerely yours,
The King of Random.


Anonymous said...

Adam as in... the Adam in SHSID? the Adam in 11th grade? the Adam that's gay now? o.O

The King of Random said...

WHAT THE FUCK !?!?!? HE'S GAY NOW !?!?!? WWWHHHAAAAATTT !?!?!?! yes the adam from SHSID

Anonymous said...

you're talking about Adam Xu, right?
yeah, i think he is... but i'm not sure... i only heard a little about this a long time ago...