Saturday, November 15, 2008

Strangers, bogans and Asian parents... well, sort of.


I think that these posts are becoming pretty inconsistent. Before it was once a week i would do a really long post but lately i've been lazy and i haven't put in the effort or the time. Sorry guys. I couldn't think of much to rant about this night but i have nothing to do so whatever.

I... have this strange habit. I like to go to this place called King's cross, find a hooker and then murder and butcher her. Nah jokes. Or maybe not :O. But i do have a strange habit, well one among many. But for some odd reason i like to believe that strangers are wise people and i think its because i've gotten that vibe from a few people i've talked to. And, this is gonna sound retarded, Hooters is like the central place. Well no not really its just that once i was talking to one of the waitresses and she told me i would find God. But i think it was the way she put it in that i was... fascinated by. It also didn't really make any sense because she turned Christian because of a Jew. And here it is with the argument again. I don't know if you believe this but, Muslims, Jews and Christians all worship the same God. There, i said it. Anyways the reason i'm bringing this up is because i met a girl today. She looked like Luky and i already told some of you about her. She wasn't wise or anything but talking to strangers is just so fun for some reason. Maybe its because they don't know anything about you or maybe its because of the potential you can see.

About that girl... i feel sorry for her. She's really good at music but i think she's being full pressured by her parents. I don't know if you know this, but in Australia, there is like this stereotype of Asian (Mainly Chinese) parents. That is, you get really good grades, you spend your weekends going to tutor and Chinese school and you HAVE to do piano for some reason that only God knows. I think her parents push her to the max and i think that it's gonna affect her when she's older. Cause like, think about it. You can only have fun when your a kid well yes you can when your older but when your a kid your SUPPOSED to have fun. My main argument for those who give me shit about my bboying destroying my hsc is that you can only bboy when your young. When your old, you can still apply for uni as a mature age student and shit so what's the big fucking deal? And she's pretty too. What a waste. Hopefully she doesn't go party mode during uni like the stories Sue has told me about or she doesn't become a Michael Jackson. No. That would just be scary.

And here is my random rant. Do you ever bump into those people? You know, those cunts who seem to be fucked in the head and for some reason have to play music through their phone? Yes, that's right, BOGANS. Well they are just the first kind. There are two types you see, bogans and vhadus (Curries). For some odd fucked up reason, they are not aware of the existance of the technology known as earphones and they have to project their shitty music through their phone speakers and we have to endure this torture. Bogans usually play 'rap' such as Tupac and Bone Thugs n Harmony even though i highly doubt they understand Tupac's work. Vhadus on the other hand are much much worse. They play vhadu music. This music is usually repetitive and the only ones who can tolerate this type of audio rape are vhadus and the insane. So my questions of the week are:

(a.) What is the strangest experience you have had when talking to a stranger and what did you guys talk about?

(b.) Who do you know who is as pressured as a Japanese school girl's virginity and what do you think they will end up like in the future?

(c.) What is the most annoying music you have heard through these bogans and vhadus who have to use their phones as speakers?

{EDIT} Write your answers in the comment box please.

Yours sincerely,
The King of Random.


Unknown said...

(a.) I met a stranger.. and he talked about masturbation-_-

(b.) Not many people...

(c.) Some guy fully turned on this indian music in epping station and walking around. So annoying.

nice post btw! :)

Oceania said...

vhadu vhadu vhadu?
Durka durka durka?

(a.)An abbo asked me for change in Redfern in a pedo-like way

(b.)None, unless you count the girl at our school (You know who it is) lol

(c.) Vhadu, Vhadu Trance, Vhadu Rap (Especially vhadu rap), Vhadu Pop, Vhadu Curry, Vhadu Rock, Karma Sutra, and the same songs that play on radio - I can hear on it on the radio, I don't need you to play it for me as well