Monday, December 29, 2008

You fucking midget junkie motherfucker.

To Adam,

Eat a fucking dick. Yes, that's right, eat a dick. I hope you die you fucking little turd. You are a cunt monkey. You are the reason that there is evil in the world. You are the reason for Di Wang's existence. You are the reason that Hitler hated the jews. How? I don't know but its YOUR fault you midget fuck. Please, PLEASE for the sake of the universe put a knife against the wall, have a sniper in position to blow your fucking head off, anally rape youself with a 19 inch dildo, and run towards the knife. Then i hope that you spontaneously combust so that the world can be rid of your gayness.

Sincerely yours,
The King of Random.

Thursday, December 25, 2008


So so so,

How is everyone doing? Good i hope. Sigh... It's Christmas and i'm sick and sad... sort of. This shit happens every year, for real. But the only time it's been this bad was about 3 years back and back then i made a stupid move. I bottled it all up, held it in and let it eat my sanity... well no i'm still sane. I won't make that move again hence the post. Again, jealousy is a bitch.

I'm reading this conversation between my friend and this guy she knows, he doesn't wanna ever see her again because he knows he can't get with her. He's saying he loved her before, but how can you love someone if you don't get any back? What the fuck is that? That's just obsession dude. And again i'm stuck on this topic. I think it exists now though, it's just people like me can't understand it yet, we're still too young. Wow i know alot of people who would counter that, i'd only listen to about 1 though. Oh and by the way i'm no longer going to be The King of Random, i'm going to be 56.70 to highlight how pathetic i am =_=

I'm not sure why it is that i do this but when i'm sad or pissed off, i just don't talk. Its scary =O but it happens. And i make up excuses when people ask whether i'm okay. Pretty fucking sweet method i reckon. But there is some part of me that wants to scream at the person "FUCK YOU CUNT !!!" Ah well, that's just how i deal with these sort of things i guess. How do you? Looks like this is gonna be a hell of a short post.

Have a merry fucking Christmas,

Monday, December 15, 2008

Age is a whore that i'd like to shoot in the face.


This post is gonna offend alot of people mainly because of one topic i'm gonna talk about but we'll get to that. I'm currently in Shanghai and i've been here for about a week but fuck it's actually pretty boring... hhmmm actually no now that i come to think of it it's been pretty sweet. Even for the one week i've been here. Speaking of Shanghai, i wanted to tell y'all about Asian parents. And i guess Chinese parents in particular... Chinese parents are sometimes extremely.... stupid. And i really do mean that. There's alot of shit that goes down in China which involves a top stupid getting a shit mark, the parents bitching about how worthless he/she is because they got a shit mark, the student then committing suicide and then----------------------------

Alrighty sorry about the sudden change but i'm at a crossroads again. Right now as i'm writing this... it's another effing test of whether i'm an asshole or not and i think i'm gonna be the asshole this time.

The King of Random

I'll continue the rant next time.

Saturday, November 29, 2008

*Insert Bullshit Here*


Wow, very plain and simple greeting. I had my formal this week and i realized i tend to do this thing which i'm not sure others do. I smile, but then suddenly it just turns into a dirty look really fast. Not dirty as in perverted but like pissed off sort of and i dunno but does that ever happen with you? It's hard to explain really, but my smile just turns into a frown extremely quickly :S And also when your out with people are you supposed to always smile? Or just look whatever. I think its a bad habit though 'cause like imagine it: Someone your out with smiles for about a second and then suddenly it turns into a frown, well not a frown but the no expression expression. And not only that but it changes in like a second O_O.

Also at the formal we were supposed to 'party' and i think its because i don't go out enough but i don't get how people dance. I mean at like clubs and shit and for some reason its really... degrading. Maybe its because i dance and through my dance i've been taught by my mentor not to mingle with other forms but yeah. So basically it means clubbing would be boring as fuck as me. Sigh... i don't think i'm explaining it very clearly. You know how people do lame ass dance moves like the 'dice throw' and the 'lawn-mower'? Imagine, a gigantic room full of people doing that. Exactly. Now you want to kill yourself as well don't you? If you STILL don't get what i mean i have an example:

Like that, only, with techno and hip pop.

This is gonna dissapoint some, because this post was extremely short, even more so than the last. Anyways, back to the post. Have you ever... hhmmm how should i put this... told someone not to go to an event? But in an indirect way? 'Cause i hate it when it happens, so frigging anti-climatic. I'd rather just have the person say "Fuck off, we don't want you coming" instead of "Awww you can't go 'cause like *insert bullshit here*" yeah. And like most of the time i don't know about the happening with the people i hanged around and when i find out i can't be fucked asking because asking to get invited is degrading and Di Wang-like.

Oh yeah, i'm battling tommorow. Wish me luck.

Questions of the week:

1.) Do you understand what i mean when i talk about changing your expression? If so, tell me if you ever notice yourself... 'unsmiling' too quickly.

2.) Does dancing like a retard on ecstacy-- wait no that's just shuffling. Does dancing like a tool degrade you and make you feel weird and unloved? Do you do it often? Do you laugh at people who do it? Are you a virgin? No, you don't have to answer the last one.

3.) Have you ever told someone to get fucked indirectly? And do you like asking to go to get togethers or events or whatever?

The King of Random.

Shanghai next sunday.

Monday, November 24, 2008



Yes. I have a new addiction. It's name is Street Fighter 4 and i find myself often travelling all the way to the city just to play it. So this is going to be a pretty long blog and i couldn't really think up a good title so yeah whatever.

Family. Such a strange concept. What constitutes as family? For some odd reason, people think blood binds others together. If you have a brother you need to love him and treat him with respect yet ironically it is much the opposite in my case. Have you ever considered others family? I mean people who you aren't related to by blood. And i mean even with adopted children and in laws and shit, they're supposed to be family yet whenever i see them on TV or in real life i get the feeling they don't exactly feel completely welcome and it's sort of bullshit. Likewise, blood family is bullshit in my opinion. I do consider some more than just friends, maybe close to family i can't be sure yet. And now onto the next random topic.

So i was watching the movie Carlito's Way this week and it had this scene which alot of movies tend to do. For some strange unknown reason, Whenever someone is dying it seems to be incredibly incredibly hard for them to speak. And it got me thinking why this is so... Is it because it hurts or... is it because they can't breathe? If it hurts it must hurt alot and you must have alot of fucking willpower to be able to talk. I think i wouldn't do it though because think about it. Your gonna speak but your not gonna be able to say everything you want. And it could end up really bad like that one South Park episode where Stan tries to win Wendy back by getting Jimmy the handicapped stutterring kid to tell her she's a continuous inspiration for him. He goes up to her and ends up saying "Wendy, Stan says your a cun---, CUNT, CUNT, Stan says your a CUNTinuous inspiration for him" and so the message is distorted.

Carlito's Way is a movie about GANGSTAS and drugs and crime and all that and likewise it seems that in their world everyone needs to prove themselves. Sometimes we do strange stupid shit just to try and prove ourselves and i guess what i'm doing to Shanghai is one of them. I know i could have done this in so many other ways, but i didn't. Instead i chose this and like you said its too late to reverse the effects. Not that i want to of course. And there the pride goes again. It really will be my downfall one day.

Sometimes i wish people would say to me, no i can't be fucked saying it it's too embrassing =O

Is it just me or are Indians (Vhadus, curries, panjabis, etc etc) becoming the new blacks? What i mean by that is are Indians being treated the way people used to treat black people in America? Because i've noticed that... not alot of people like Indians. Especially those who don't integrate into the Aussie (White) culture and stick to their own culture. I think it's because they do what i like to call.... a Eugene. They don't take a hint. They smell like crap (I WILL NEVER KNOW WHY, SERIOUSLY.), play ridiculous music through their phones, dress like fags, the list goes on and on. But yeah... i think they are getting mad hated on but on a more social level. Like take Asians for example, Today Tonight and other current affairs shows bag the crap out of them. I even remember seeing this one ad for an A Current Affairs story which literally i kid you not stated on the ad "ASIANS VERSUS AUSSIES" and it was a split screen with asians on one side and whiteys on the other.

I was on the train today and wow i just remembered i saw my bboy mentor's girlfriend on the train and then saw him at Epping station. Weird huh? Anyways, i was on the train and i met Eunice (Mentor's girlfriend) and she was with a friend from college. So we got off at Strathfield since we all had to change lines anyways and her train comes and she says her byes to us. I'm left standing there with her friend and there is just this awkward silence. And i realize at that moment that this isn't the first instance of this happening.

Ok, so my questions of the week are:

1.) Do you think a friend or someone you know can ever be family? Anyone who is not blood related?

2.) If you got shot and were dying would you talk or would you just pass away silently? Why would you talk if you did?

3.) Do you agree that Indians are becoming the new blacks? Or perhaps is it another ethnicity?

4.) What do you do during these moments of awkwardness? Do you make talk with your friend's friend or do you just shut the fuck up and walk in the other direction as i did?

Thanks for your time guys.

The King of Random


Saturday, November 15, 2008

Strangers, bogans and Asian parents... well, sort of.


I think that these posts are becoming pretty inconsistent. Before it was once a week i would do a really long post but lately i've been lazy and i haven't put in the effort or the time. Sorry guys. I couldn't think of much to rant about this night but i have nothing to do so whatever.

I... have this strange habit. I like to go to this place called King's cross, find a hooker and then murder and butcher her. Nah jokes. Or maybe not :O. But i do have a strange habit, well one among many. But for some odd reason i like to believe that strangers are wise people and i think its because i've gotten that vibe from a few people i've talked to. And, this is gonna sound retarded, Hooters is like the central place. Well no not really its just that once i was talking to one of the waitresses and she told me i would find God. But i think it was the way she put it in that i was... fascinated by. It also didn't really make any sense because she turned Christian because of a Jew. And here it is with the argument again. I don't know if you believe this but, Muslims, Jews and Christians all worship the same God. There, i said it. Anyways the reason i'm bringing this up is because i met a girl today. She looked like Luky and i already told some of you about her. She wasn't wise or anything but talking to strangers is just so fun for some reason. Maybe its because they don't know anything about you or maybe its because of the potential you can see.

About that girl... i feel sorry for her. She's really good at music but i think she's being full pressured by her parents. I don't know if you know this, but in Australia, there is like this stereotype of Asian (Mainly Chinese) parents. That is, you get really good grades, you spend your weekends going to tutor and Chinese school and you HAVE to do piano for some reason that only God knows. I think her parents push her to the max and i think that it's gonna affect her when she's older. Cause like, think about it. You can only have fun when your a kid well yes you can when your older but when your a kid your SUPPOSED to have fun. My main argument for those who give me shit about my bboying destroying my hsc is that you can only bboy when your young. When your old, you can still apply for uni as a mature age student and shit so what's the big fucking deal? And she's pretty too. What a waste. Hopefully she doesn't go party mode during uni like the stories Sue has told me about or she doesn't become a Michael Jackson. No. That would just be scary.

And here is my random rant. Do you ever bump into those people? You know, those cunts who seem to be fucked in the head and for some reason have to play music through their phone? Yes, that's right, BOGANS. Well they are just the first kind. There are two types you see, bogans and vhadus (Curries). For some odd fucked up reason, they are not aware of the existance of the technology known as earphones and they have to project their shitty music through their phone speakers and we have to endure this torture. Bogans usually play 'rap' such as Tupac and Bone Thugs n Harmony even though i highly doubt they understand Tupac's work. Vhadus on the other hand are much much worse. They play vhadu music. This music is usually repetitive and the only ones who can tolerate this type of audio rape are vhadus and the insane. So my questions of the week are:

(a.) What is the strangest experience you have had when talking to a stranger and what did you guys talk about?

(b.) Who do you know who is as pressured as a Japanese school girl's virginity and what do you think they will end up like in the future?

(c.) What is the most annoying music you have heard through these bogans and vhadus who have to use their phones as speakers?

{EDIT} Write your answers in the comment box please.

Yours sincerely,
The King of Random.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Dissapointment and expectations.


Dissapointment. That is what i am going to prove to everyone in Shanghai. Well except a few, but i will show them how dissapointing i am and how much of a prick i am. It sounds stupid but for me it is the only way to reverse the roles of Shanghai and Sydney. Some of it isnt for this reason though. Part of it is because i was dissapointed by alot of people even though they didn't owe me anything which is rather... pathetic. I don't think this trip will be very good to be honest because i've already cut myself from everyone i was planning on meeting. It's so weird because i expected that this trip would be like IT, it would be the trip that i would remember for the rest of my life but i guess this really was unexpected. Sigh, the future really is unpredictable i suppose.

Have you ever done that? Expected too much from someone. I tend to do it alot yet i don't do it enough. I say this because towards some people i don't give a fuck what they do but towards others i expect sssooo much from them. And when i don't get what i want, well, like a child i begin to get frustrated and when i begin to get frustrated i begin to rage and when i rage it turns into hate. Unfortunate i suppose, but that is just the way things are. The fact that i put in so much heart and soul still annoys me because i could have been doing better things but i didn't. Argh fuck.

I'm not looking very forward to Shanghai anymore, only a few things i guess. And fuck is it raining? Shit i hope not i gotta bboy soon. I'm just gonna train with Danny and focus on bboying i guess. Maybe see Lucia and Luky a few times and Ice when she arrives. I don't really know how to explain things to Ice cause i'm sure she's gonna be pissed off and confused when she finds out. I could always lie to her but i don't think i really want to do that... I guess i'll tell her and hopefully she can figure things out for me >_< Like you said, it's pretty sad. Pushing everyone away i mean. But dude, it was pretty funny when i pissed off Jae Hyun i mean cmon. You gotta admit =P

The King of Random

Saturday, November 8, 2008



So yesterday i met up with Sue and we had dinner together. The last time we saw each other things were a bit rushed so this time it was pretty sweet. We had thai first nd we had Max Brenner afterwards, it was pretty funny because at Max Brenner we saw what i call a 'visa stealer'. Me and her were analyzing them it was pretty funny she was saying how the old white dude was her sugar daddy. But i noticed something about her. Well i notice alot of things about her but this was pretty significant. She lives life happily, she has fun and goes out. She is the complete opposite of my brother and i love her for that =]... Sigh i wouldn't mind living like her, it's so... peaceful? Of course shit still goes on in her life but she deals with it well.

I bet that if my brother was to find out, he would say some stupid shit to slander her (e.g. omfg shes a nurse blah blah blah *crap comes out of brothers mouth*) but damn dude, you aint much better. Take a look at yourself asshole, you pushed all your friends away, you never go out EVER, you can't handle the smallest of situations, God i could go on all night about his problems. But it's his ignorance that really pisses me off because i know that i have tried to help him, tried to help him live life but he's rejected it and now i honestly can't give a fuck. I don't know, i just can't get over his ignorance in talking shit. But it's all good cause i don't ever plan on seeing him again, ever.

Sigh well all i gotta do now is follow in her footsteps. Go to uni, get a job, settle down and enjoy the little things in life. I don't know about Shanghai anymore, i have to face someone who i don't want to see. I don't know how i'm going to handle it either because i know for sure we're gonna have to chill but i don't really want to. Ah well, time shall solve all problems as i always say.

Peace out,
The King of Random

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

I'm back.

Wow it feels.... weird...,

I finished the HSC. My high school life is over. I always wondered what it would be like since i was a kid, i never was really able to grasp any idea of it though. I do remember one thing really clearly, what would happen with her when i was this old. I'm becoming obsessed as one of you describes it, i'm becoming very obsessed with her. BUT i have a back up plan, hopefully i can get with this girl called Lucia and she'll just move Tutu out of my head. Sure she'll still be there i'll just not be obsessed thats all.

You know that thing you do when like your looking at someone and then they look at you and you just turn ur head? Lol i love it when something like that happens because i just continue staring. I know it's rude and stuff but you know me, i like to... awkward it up =). Sometimes i don't like to make things awkward however and this is when i try to pretend that i don't know people. I'm sure you have done it at one stage or another but this happened to me on Saturday and the two people were standing RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME and i just kept walking. Don't make eye contact, that is the key my young padawans. I don't know why i do it usually its cause i don't like them but sometimes i jus't ignore them anyways. Other times however, when i know they're ignoring me i'll be like ".... HHIIII !!!" yeah i did it to mr. PURE MUSCLLEEE.

Crying. I wonder why humans do it. Apparently, it relieves stress but laughter also relieves stress. Lol at the irony in how laughter and crying are actually very much alike. I know that there's some mental thing to it but why do you cry when someone dies for example? Your sad, yes, we know that but why do you cry? If crying and laughing were the same thing why not laugh? Okay, that would be fucked up. Anyways. Hopefully the comment box works, if it does please write the last time you cried. It doesnt have to be ridiculously specific but it can't be like "Awhile ago" it has to be at least "a few weeks ago" or some time period like that.

Wow, short blog,
The King of Random

Wednesday, October 15, 2008


I don't know whats happening to me. It seems like everything in my world is changing, and with it my control. The once strong links i had have become tenuous. I've become weak and a foreigner to this world, the confusion grasps me in an unwilling way and causes me to do things out of impulse rather than logic. I try to establish control but it isn't working, the roles have changed. What was once my hometown has now become a foreign field, someone who was once considered a brother has become a stranger, it seems there is alot on my mind. And right before the HSC. I can't answer anymore questions people ask me, because i don't know the answers to them. I don't know what i want anymore, and i'm hurting others unintentionally yet i don't even know if i'm sorry or not. Change is fucked up.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Many, many things.

6 days till the end,

So a week ago a friend of mine told me that my posts were too short so in honour of her, this post will be really really long and really really random. This post will be strange for many, because there will be no definite mood. But let me give you a brief explanation of some of the shit i'm gonna be covering (Some i may have already covered): Secrets, the rush of doing illegal shit, buying condoms, feminine odour. Yes. RANDOM.

Since buying condoms sort of sounded funny i thought i'd start with that one. So the other day i'm buying condoms for a friend, and i wanted to do it cause i like to make people laugh. So i'm at the store i'm near the register and i get it and say some weird shit to the shop assistant. But this wasn't the first time i did it and there was this one time i had to get shit for a friend and like... i was walking to the register and the worst thing happens... i see a family friend. At first i was shitting bricks thinking "WHAT THE FUCK DO I DO !?" and my family friend says Hi Edward, so i respond and i think, i THINK she saw what was in my hand and must have thought it MIGHT have been a pack of condoms because they were only a 6 pack so its pretty small. So i respond with hi and thats that. But there was this unexplainable awkwardness if you get what i mean and because they know my parents i couldn't really crack a joke. Sigh... i was really unlucky that time. So my question is to you: Have you ever bought condoms and if so, what is the strangest shit that has happened when you bought them?

Since i'm in the mood of comical humour and whatnot, i'd like to tell you about something i do which everyone whom i do it to finds weird about me. SNIFFING HAIR !!! Women's hair that is. I don't know why this is, maybe i have a fucked up nose, but chicks have this smell. It's nice and at first i thought it was cause they all put on perfume and deoderant but apparently not cause i ask them and they first look at me like they want to slap me and then say with this confused look on their face "". But hair seems to be where the central smell comes from for some reason, well there is ONE other place on a woman's body where her scent is strong.. if uuhh... you know... you get my drift ;)

Big talk. I do it alot, i try to think i don't but i'm pretty sure if you asked the people around me, they would say i do. I don't know why people do it and the big talk i'm referring to would be for example if someone got into a fight and lost and then some other douchebag would say something along these lines "WELL FIRST, I'D HAVE MY GUARD UP AND THEN I'D HOOK HIM FROM THE LEFT AND DO A TORNADO KICK" No you fag, you don't have time to think. But that's a classic example. Let's look at a situation i recently heard about. So this guy who hates this girl ALOT was saying how he would laugh if she committed suicide because she "deserves it". Now i know this girl and she's a pretty cool person and she's also the person who requested this blog, and she hasn't really done anything... Anyways, what i'm trying to say is that if the same were to happen to one of his friends, he wouldn't laugh and i'd probably shit talk and say "Wow, i guess i should be laughing now right?" you see, it's cyclical.

Dreams dreams dreams. I seem to be obsessed with them. I'm always asking people about their dreams but lately, i haven't been having any good dreams. They make me recollect on times i don't want to think about. Do you dream everynight? Someone once told me he only dreamed once a week and i told him he was fucked up. Do you agree? She(the one who's requesting a longer blog) said that they reflect our most inner thoughts, and because of this it has lead me to believe that people deny us their dreams because they have secrets to hide, doesn't everyone?

Why do we keep secrets? What is the purpose of them. Most of the time you don't want someone to know something about you because your scared they will attack you because of it, or that you'll hurt them because they know something about you that they did not want to know. Ignorance is bliss. I believe in that sentence 1000%. I wouldn't mind that life, but because i know about the world and the sick creatures that dwell in it i am unable to comprehend a life like that. The simplest truth could destroy your life. I have a secret, well it's not really a secret, it's just not emphasised enough.

As all of you know, i have a bad relationship with my brother. I can say with full confidence that i am foreign to a sibling relationship. For example, Benji, you and your brother are tight and shit right? If he has a problem, he can talk to you about it without worrying too much. You'd back him in a fight right? You'd feed him if he was so sick he wasn't able to do anything on his own right? These are rhetorical questions, i already know the answers to them. For me, it's all the opposite. I can't talk to my brother about anything and i'm sure as hell he wouldn't jump in if i got into a brawl. Spiritually, i barely know him and he barely knows me. And that's the way i'd like it to be. Only God knows how many chances i've given him. Everytime he's fucked me over. And i'm not gonna ask someone for help or some shit like that, i'm gonna do the smart thing and just ignore him for the rest of my life. Sigh, i'm getting a bit pissed off now.

But that's cool, you wanted a long post and this has been bothering me all week. I'm not sure if it's my own doing or what happened in the past but everytime my brother is brought up in family conversation, i always just rage. Especially at my Mum, because SHE was the one who said she didn't want to ever talk to him again or to ever have him at our house. And now she's calling him and telling him to come over and shit? What the fuck? And when i ask her about it she says how it was "the heat of the moment". I don't know if she gets it or not, BUT IT DOESN'T FUCKING WORK LIKE THAT. I don't know how true i stay to my words, but if they're passionate and there's feeling behind it, i do mean it. I try to stick to it. None of this heat of the moment bullshit. Like today, she was saying how he brought a cd to our house but he was too scared to come in or some shit, and then i was saying how she said she didn't want him in our house anymore and she's now saying how he doesn't want to be in our house, not the other way around. I instantly snapped and it fucked my whole day up. But that's how it is i guess. My emotions are a product of her actions. And imma stick by it.

You know what i'm really scared of though? If Sue gets involved. Because i know that if i tell her about it she WILL try to help. But i don't want your help, because what's been done has been done. Like the end of Father and Child by Gwen Harwood "No words, no tears can mend" this. There is no solution. But i'm scared because i know if she helps, i will hate her. Anyone who tries to help me on this situation i end up hating. I know she's trying to help, but the blindness caused by my anger against my brother decimates my logic. I'm tempted to just smash my door down and start screaming at my Mum for her idiocracy and arrogance, but fuck it. This blog prevents me from doing that. It's my escape i guess.

Sigh... i think that's why i've been stressed all week and shit. I've been getting into arguments left, right and center. But i dunno what to say. Oh well, we'll just let time play this out i guess. Not much i can do. I'm sorry for being such an asshole this week guys. But i don't want you to forgive me, because if i can't beat my brother then i am an asshole =.= HSC is in a week so i won't be posting for awhile i think... I just hope i do well and get AT LEAST 80. Or i'm gonna be departed to.... Tibet. Nah jokes. This post has been strange... i guess you could say... it's been a journey (O_o... Oh GOD =_=)

Peace out and goodluck to everyone doing the HSC,
The King of Random

Monday, October 6, 2008

Untitled 3. (This is going to be really, REALLY short)


This is gonna be short. Really short. I can't focus right now so i thought i would write up a new post and this is because of someone i know... sort of. It's about willingness. I asked someone if they would ever be a hooker and she told me she would if she really needed the money to support her family. So this was awhile ago and it didn't bother me much. But today i found out a certain someone's Mum (Extremely hot by the way) was a VIP hostess. So at first i was like what the fuck is a vip hostess and me and my friend thought it was a hooker. Well we were joking around thinking it was a hooker but i did some googling on the topic and uuhh... i think it is. I'm not so sure because corporations can be shifty and i mean... star city is widely known as a casino and uuhh casinos are pretty notorious for that sort of thing. I feel bad for the person's daughter, cause she is a kind person and really doesn't deserve this shit. But i guess when you need money your ready to go to extremes right? Wrong. Well from my perspective its wrong. I hope i'm wrong and that she is a VIP Hostess and just welcomes people and stuff and doesn't do the wild thing for money ==. Damn i feel wack now for joking around about it >_<

Peace out,
The King of Random

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Sentimental days.


Its been a week of holidays now and i don't feel that i've utilized the time given to me properly. All week i've only been studying english and economics. Damn, hard gay. Well anyways, i don't know if i've told any of you because this happened to me before but when i stay home for a long time and don't go out and shit i start to think and when i start to think i get all sentimental and shit. It's pretty lame but that's just who i am.

I went out for dinner last night, and there's this guy who went with us. I think he's like the outcast of Zealous(My mentor's crew) sort of. Like alot of people don't like him because they think he's annoying and whatnot. I tried not to get influenced by their thoughts but i can see what they mean... and i guess i fucked up and sort of gave him shit too. My mentor told me that he told him that he felt that some of the people in Zealous and SKB were giving him a hard time and for me, it's impossible to imagine him saying that because it's just not part of his character. But it got me thinking of why we try to deny people from getting into our hearts well that's a bad way of putting it i mean why we don't let people in. Is it because we don't want to get hurt? I'm sure that's part of the reason. But if we don't let our true self out, how can we really be ourselves? For me, i'm just myself to everyone i know. I might be different to some people but that's just me. Schizophrenia for the win =). How would you deal with it if you saw lets say a different side of... hhmm i don't really wanna say his name... lets just say if you saw a different side of someone you hated, and you knew the secrets of this person, but since you've been exposed to their other side it's changed your impression of them. What would you do? Would you tell your friends about how 'weird' they are or would you keep it to yourself realizing that there is more than meets the eye. Sigh... i'm having trouble wording what i mean... hopefully you'll understand what i mean when i said i gave the dude shit even though i was aware he feels like shit sometimes. I should have taken it into consideration and just ignored him or whatever. Logic and emotion i guess. Sort of XD.

Change. I hate change and your aware of that. I oppose change, and its sort of happening to me right now. I know that this change is NOT good i'm 100% absolutely sure about it. I'm becoming a product of my hatred. I'm becoming what i tried so hard to prevent from becoming. And i'm not so sure of what to do. My selfishness is... exuberating. Sigh well i'm gonna cut this post short, i can't really think of anything else on my mind. Well i can but i don't wanna get into it =S

The King of Random

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Untitled 2.


I'm going to use those titles when i randomly feel like posting during the week because something sort of significant is on my mind. I'm talking to a friend of mine right now and we're talking about Sue. Well sort of. I know i'll never get with her because of the obvious factors e.g. age and whatnot but i have trouble accepting that and i think that denial of the truth makes up a big part of our lives. Sometimes we can't handle the truth and we may even go to the extreme of creating a fantasy in order to avoid reality. I guess the easiest way to experience is if one of your loved ones dies. You know that they have gone, but in the back of your head there is a voice saying no no no no no they're not dead. Maybe it's the process of understanding how something happened but as human beings we will have trouble accepting certain facts.

Formal is the happenin' in a month and a bit and i don't know, but when some event happens like this i always feel awkward. It's like your watching a really sad movie with your girlfriend and she starts crying and she looks at you expecting you to cry and you just keep your eyes open hoping that they will tear up and that it will look like your crying. It's sort of like that for the formal only everyone is happy and having a good time. I think i told you guys before but whenever something like that happens i feel the opposite so if everyone is happy i'll feel sad. Its strange. During times like these i hope my phone will ring and someone will say "Get your ass here" and i'll be forced to leave =). Damn i had a word to describe the feeling but i just lost it. I REMEMBER. I feel... left out. But i'm not. Is it because it was like that when i was a kid or is it just who i am? I find formals and stuff pointless, in the sense that i don't really have a goal. I mean what do i do? Have dinner and talk to my friends? I dunno how to explain it that was a bad way of putting it.

Now onto lighter subjects. Ending phone calls. Yes that's right, ending phone calls. Do you hang up when you say bye or do you sort of wait for the other person to say bye and then you hang up? Ugh strange. I like to hear them say bye or whatever and then hang up but it's sort of awkward just waiting =_=.

Peace out,
The King of Random

Saturday, September 27, 2008


The HSC is gay,

Well because a certain someone told me that my blog's were not being random enough, i thought i would not include the main points in the title to make it a bit fun. First off, the HSC is happening in 3 weeks so i should actually probably be studying right about now but no, because i'm such an awesome guy, i'm writing this shit up for you. I had my battle yesterday and boy was it fun. 3 battle beotch. And i tied in one of them too [YYEEAAAHHH !!!]. Was very very happy. As you can tell.

I've been watching Trigun again just cause i was bored and there's one character who seems to be perfect... too perfect. Rem Saverem, yes i know it is a strange name because her first name shows twice. But anyways, this Rem she is like the epitomy of perfect and as you already know i don't exactly feel comfortable when i see or come into contact with things i consider to be 'perfect'. Because me being me, i will most definitely fuck perfection up. Jeff said for some reason, when someone performs or something, he feels embrassed and i get what he means. I don't think you do though. Like your not the one actually performing but you get embrassed for some reason. I think that maybe it's because the performers are usually representing you in some way so if like they fuck up or do a shitty performance you will be like "dude... just get off the stage. Please nigga, just get off". Off topic, but thats how i roll. Anyways, Rem reminds me of Sue for some reason i think it's because she's wise like Sue, not necessarily smart but wise. And Sue in my eyes is perfect in every way, yet i know that if i begin to point out all her follies and problems i can destroy the status of her image. I do miss her alot though, but i should probably listen to her and study hard, get a good UAI and... yeah. But that won't happen.

High school has finished and everyone gets along so well. It's strange and i don't think i understand it very well. Old enemies have become friends and all grudges have been abondoned. And fuck i think i spelt abondoned wrong, yeah i probably did. I think at this point i feel some sadness within my heart and i regret not utilizing my time with my friends more efficiently. I have come to realize that the once tenuous relationships i have with alot of my friends were stronger than i had thought its just that i was blind at that time. I don't want to dwell too much on it since it's already happened and plus, i'm used to this feeling i did leave SHSID AND Jincai. It's just this time i left properly and not because some shit had gone down which didn't turn out as planned. I guess all we can and should do now is just plan for the future, not plan for the future in general but like events with the old crew and shit. Picnics, movies, dinner whatever i dunno man. Just keep in touch.

I was talking to someone and i was saying how sometimes i feel really secure when i only trust myself but he said that that was insecurity which is true i guess cause it does fit the definition. But i can't explain the feeling, it's.... strange. I don't feel insecure, i feel strong i guess the best way to express it is... think of having someone you really trust and who you know won't fuck up on you, only, that person is you. And no matter what happens, you'll still be able to stand on your feet. I guess it's because when i'm at that state of mind, i don't need anyone else, i'm ready to tackle anything by myself and anyone who helps me, well, their like bonuses then =)

So i guess you could say this blog was about... insecurity, Rem and.. school? Something like that.

Peace out,
The King of Random

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Peronality, Youtube aging, Internet arguing, how to pee and getting served by people you know.


Damn, well first off last night was a shit session for me and my crew. We walked around the city trying to find somewhere to dance at... and by the time we found one we were too tired. So we sessioned and wow we made oh so many mistakes in our sets. Hard fucking gay. Anyways onto the blog.

So i wanted to talk about personality. Some people consider others to be fakes that is, they are hiding their true self. But i personally do that. I have shades of who i am. Maybe to you i might seem nice or a prick or annoying but to others i try to express my true self. For example, in Shanghai i generally try to be nice to everyone and if i need help with something or something feels wrong i'll say it whereas here i try to be more of a dick to people and just laugh like hell really. It's hard to explain i guess if you could be a different person everyday you would understand. But it's just who i am. I'm not actually hiding who i am, the fact that i have changing personalities is just part of my personality if that makes any sense. I guess you could say its like eating food. Sometimes you save the best shit for last and i guess i sorta do that only instead of best and last it just really depends on who you are and what i'm feeling at the time. Hhhmm... do you do that? Just wondering lol cause i do know other people who do it.

Youtube is becoming fucking gay. And it's for a reason. You see, for some fucked up reason, you don't seem to age on youtube. You just sorta stay 16 or 18 or whatever age you put for the rest of your life according to youtube. It's especially fucking annoying because some videos recquire that you be 18 to view them and since you don't age well, you would have to get another account. Sigh... i thought they would have picked up on that problem and fixed it but apparently not. Now since i'm on the topic of the internet i would like to talk about something which is purely retarded. Internet arguing. Yes it comes in all sorts of forms, youtube,, msn etc you get the point. But it's the shittalking that really gets me pissed off. I know i talked about this last week but it doesn't seem to go away. People who argue and bitch and shit over the internet are actually just pussies and yes i'm referring to someone Cassie, if you have something to say to someone say it to their face cause what your trying to do is get a message accross and hiding behind a computer screen will not do that for you. It's funny though cause i can imagine Cassie going up to the guy and giving him shit and how he won't be able to talk shit back XD. I'm pretty sure i've asked him why he doesnt just give shit to her straight up and i didn't really get a solid answer...

Public toilets. Most people don't take shits on them and i can understand why. For some reason, and i don't know if this applies to female toilets, people don't know how to pee properly. Its all over the toilet seat and on the fucking floor like damn dude its not that hard just aim for where the water is for fuck's sake. Sigh i don't think i'll ever be able to understand why people can't learn to pee. And it's the same with toilet rolls. I don't see why people have to be retards and throw water on the toilet roll and you see, the fucked up thing is that they dont actually remove the toilet roll so either A: They splash the water from the toilet bowl onto it with their hands or B: They put in the effort to carry water over and pour it onto the toilet roll. Sigh.

Have you ever been served by someone you know at school or like at uni or whatever at KFC or Mcdonalds or any store to be really general? Do you feel the awkwardness? I don't mean getting served by your friends but by people you know but don't know well enough. I always find it strange and for some odd reason i feel the need to burst out laughing. I need help... I can't describe the awkwardness i know i try to like make awkwardness less awkward but this is a no zone. I sort of just try to avoid eye contact and order what i want and get the fuck out of there.

So that's all that was really on my mind this week oh yeah Super Round Box 3 is on next Friday but i actually feel sort of ready. Now, it's time for some hardcore asian TB speak. SIF SSIIIFFF BRROO SIF GG GFG GEE GEE MUCH!?!? MUCH!?!?!? PLOX PLOX GEE GEE. No. Stop now. Just stop.

Wish me luck for SRB3 or you will feel the wrath of my penis,
The King of Random

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Asians, Metrosexuality, Serenity, Dedication and The Underdog.


I was talking to my friend (sort of) and he was pretending to be a hard cunt. Over the internet of course. But then i looked back and i realized... he cried because i... messed his hair up and you know, that really got me thinking... Is it just me, or is the asian male population becoming more......... female? I don't know but judging from the people around me i would say so. I mean, look at the hair to start off with. Super Saiyan hair is for cartoons mate, leave that shit where it belongs don't be bringing it out here. And what the fuck is up with all these pussies who think their lives are complete shit because they got rejected or broke up with some girl. I mean c'mon dude, a bad life would be like having your penis chopped off because the doctor fucked up your circumcision and then turning into a girl and only realizing at the age of 13 that your actually a dude like that kid on Law and Order: Special Victims Unit, or like accidentally getting AIDS through a blood transfusion because the doctor accidentally put a blood pack infected with the HIV virus. Yeah. Or just being in my school and having to walk around seeing people like Eugene Cheng and Millie Brown. SPEAKING of Millie Brown, the fat ugly bitch must have gotten really high or some shit and she is now engaged. WHAT THE FUCK. Anyways back to the asian thing. I think it's because all our role models sort of suck balls. We gotta bring it back to the old school man, we need a new Mao Zhe Dong !!! You know who is fully GANGSTA BRAH though? Che Guevara. That nigga deserves respect y'all.

Since i am on the topic of asians, metrosexuality and pretty much just pussies in general, i want to talk about a sensitive issue. War. In my opinion, i think that if your country is under invasion by another country, you need to step that shit up and fight. Like think about it people, if your home country was being invaded by another douchebag country, would you just let them walk all over you? If their succesful, you're fucked anyways so you might as well put up a fight. I know alot of people think war is stupid and peace and love and bullshit but let's get real. Humans are stupid creatures. I've said that at least a billion times on this blog. I think we should defend ourselves, but we shouldn't be invading cause that's just the same as hatin'. I guess what i am trying to say is that if my country was being invaded, then yeah, i'll jump in and fight, but if for some unknown reason we become super pricks and invade another country, then fuck that i'm out cause that shit is just wack.

I have been actually writing this blog over like 5 days now so it really will be very fucking random. I was just talking to my friend on the phone and i was saying how i never really felt like i belonged anywhere well except for Shanghai but even Shanghai is becoming a foreign field to me... But anyways that's not the point of this post. I think the reason that Shanghai seems so warm and welcome to me is because i feel the serenity in it. It's ironic though because it's supposed to be really busy and uneasy when your there but i can remember, during the summer, looking out the window at like 9 at night and everything on my street is so quiet and nice. The weather was like hot but fuck it, i like the sumemr more than the winter. It's sorta like that scene in Kiki's Delivery Service just before she says she's going to stay in that town. You see the street and it is..... calm.

Ever meet one of those people who go up to you and say "TEACH ME HOW TO DANCE BRUUUHHHH !!!! I'LL FULL DEDICATE BBRRUUUUHHHH !!!!" and then stop trying after they can't get airflares in a day? I have, and boy is it fucking gay. I don't just mean those cunts who try to learn to show off but those people who can do a 6 step and think they are the fucking shit. I don't actually know how i deal with them i think i have a switch in my brain which says "Turn ON to ignore TBs" only... mine doesn't have an off switch. Dude, trust me, i know how you feel. I go on Of course not all of the people there are wack but a large number seem to be. Shit talkers, that's the word i'm looking for. Too many shit talkers on youtube and bboy org they seem to love commenting but they can't do shit to back themselves up and when they do have a video and people begin to make accusations, they have about 1 million excuses. Oh my dog was annoying me, i just jacked it, the lighting was bad, i trained for 48 hours last night even though there are only 24 hours in a day. Yup, we've heard em all.

I'm beginning to become a product of my mentor, i feel like i'm Kenshin Himura only i didn't dog my master. I'm beginning to think like him too and i do not know whether that is good or bad. I can see myself becoming more and more of an asshole to some people and nicer to others... Is that good? It seems to me like it is because i'm comfortable well no, i'm not because i'm becoming what i hate. I think i'm becoming a TB not in the shuffling sense or anything but in the snobbysense. Tell me what you think. Oh and yeah... the Underdog, good fucking song.

The King Of Random

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Eavesdropping, wants, needs and buses.

So so so,

I didn't post last week. Yeah my bad lol i am getting lazy =S. This is sort of like my diary but also like an escape when i can't bboy. Speaking of bboying i have been doing alot of that shit these days and this week i tried too hard and this leads to one of my issues. So i started training Tuesdays, Fridays and Saturdays so i could get better for super round box but this week i tried to do even more and tried to train on Mondays as well. And... on Tuesday my parents were telling me to come home early and i think this was my first real wake up call. I am actually pretty free, my parents don't usually care about stuff i do and it leads to this issue of wants and needs. You see, i want to train more but i don't need to train more... well... i do but it isn't THAT important in the larger scale of things. I think i do need to do more study but fuck man, i don't care about that shit lol, i care about how to get better as a bboy..... sigh..... why does the world have to be so homo, why can't bboying be a proffession? Actually i take that back that would be fucked up.

Eavesdropping. Yes, i am sure each one of us has done it but how much do you do it? I think it's a problem for me lol, i can't help but listen in on chicks and people in general talking on the bus. Some of it is so fucking funny it's like "... O and Annie being the dumb slut that she is got pregnant last Friday" like what the fuck dude, if your going to talk about that shit do you have to do it so loudly? Oh yeah i just thought about something else. Staring. You know, when you stare at somebody and they stare back and you just turn away instantly. Sigh it is pretty funny, but i just stare at you. Even if you do look back, i will continue to stare at you. Unless it's in Cabramatta.

Do you ever get that drowsy feeling when your on the bus or train? Like your eyelids begin to feel heavier and heavier and you cannot seem to keep your eyes open no matter what? Well yeah sometimes i get it on the bus and it is fucking homo. Imagine if you woke up and your like at Xiu Jia Hui or Cabramatta or some shit like that. Sigh... hard gay.

Ahhhh.... i'm thinking about the battle this month. I hope i win at least 1 BATTLE JUST ONE. Actually nah i'll be happy if a judge even favours us. Oh well we shall see how this plays out right?

The King Of Random

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Perfection, magic and awkwardness.


So i was bboying at Downing Centre this Saturday and it's like that place you described to me. The one in Singapore i mean, you know, public, busy and whatnot. Anyways, it also serves as a district court and a local court so is it offensive if i bboy in front of it? I don't think so because alot of bboys train there. So yeah me and my friends were training and then a japanese bboy showed up named Hiro. He was pretty crazy like he was dynamic and stuff and had good tricks as well but he seemed sort of shy. And there were these very very awkward moments where none of us would jump in and dance i mean we did eventually but not that much at the start. Lol i really hate awkwardness i wonder if when we meet up in Shanghai it will be awkward? I personally don't think so but you never know, shit happens man. Sigh.... i think now i know how one would feel when it's like... your not really good at something and someone comes up in front of you and starts busting out crazy shit and like your clapping and everything but i bet secretly your full like "....goddammit dude." Yeah don't worry lol i know what it's like.

Anyways i went to this store today called Battlecraft Games to show off my nerdyness and watch my friend play "drafting" which is when you make a deck from boosters that the store keeper provides. So my friend is playing and oh your fucking god, the people who were at that store were..... NERDY. And not were they only nerdy but they were ugly as fuck too like i don't usually judge how a GUY looks only how a GIRL looks but fuck dude, these kids were UGLY. I do not want to be mean or anything but i can see why they play magic hard out. Oh and yeah Ben if you think i play alot... After you go to that store... THEN you will know what is alot and what isn't. And fuck there was some little asian kid who i wanted to hit because he was being a hardcunt. Sort of like those nerds who will have a heart attack if you forget to roll a dice or some shit. Ah that was a long rant on them.

YAY i just remembered, SHADOW WARS NEXT WEEK !!!! CAN'T WAIT !!!! Man on the subject of awkwardness... how do people get pictures with like other people? Do you just randomly walk up to them and go like "HEY HONG10 TAKE A PIC WITH ME DAWGGG" cause i think thay would be pretty weird XD.

Now on to a more serious topic. Perfection. I was talking to someone about how perfect Jiro is which is pretty true but i didn't tell that person about how i am with perfection. Perfection.... should stay very far from me. Because i usually always ruin it, i'm a strange person i like to bring the worst out of people well.... MOST people. But when i'm in Australia i just do it, like i just tend to fuck things up and sometimes i am aware of it and i try not to but usually shit just happens lol. As one of you have already witnessed, i don't really get along with everyone and when i don't like someone i sort of just tell them and tell them what i think which doesn't always work out *cough cough Chris*. Do you ever find yourself in a position where some dickhead is destroying the perfection? Not necessarily the perfection but like a peaceful moment so for example everyone is joking around and then one dickhead comes in and says something which just fucks everything up =_=+ i don't know why but i don't say what i need to say when that happens i just think to myself "Goddammit SHUT THE FUCK UP !!!!" Yeah this is usually in maths class when Aneesh won't shut the fuck up because he's....... PURE MUSCLE.

Well it looks like that's the end of my blog another random boring post. It seems like my blogs are getting lamer and lamer. Oh and yeah i got totally fucked for trials... gayness. Sigh, i should be optimistic like Sue said and look on the bright side. I'm getting better at bboying again so that's a huge plus =).

The King Of Random

Fudge i'm watching Olivia Thai damn she's fine =P

Saturday, August 16, 2008


Another week,

Okay, so i just finished watching the End of Evangelion again because it is so fucking good. But it got me thinking, and i just wonder what is dying like? Is it like you suddenly fade away to nothingness, or is it like fainting, more specifically, the fainting game. Because when you play the fainting game, you will lose conciousness and when you wake you will feel as though someone has stolen something from you, time. I don't even want to begin to think what the afterlife is like, in my opinion, i think it's just sleeping forever, its just that humans are not able to comprehend such a concept. Instead we choose to believe the our concsious mind lives on after death but what the truth really is we won't know till after death right?

There's a character within Evangelion named Misato Katsuragi, and she reminds me of Wen Lao Shi. Anyone who is reading this is probably wondering what the fuck i am on about, but she was a teacher in my old old school. The first school i went to in Shanghai. Jincai. I think i was closer to her than i thought, and she was one of the reasons i didn't want to leave JCID. It's not like i have THOSE kind of feelings for her, but she was just really nice to me in a weird way. She was sort of like my second Mum, cause when i went to Shanghai, my Mum wasn't there. Hahaha, Misato sort of mothers Shinji, but i like that. Cause to me, that means she's really dedicated and actually cares about Shinji and isn't just doing it because she has to. I think i wanna see her again when i go back, but she seems so busy these days =S. I was sort of like Shinji, i always wanted attention from her...

Love. It is a mysterious characteristic of the human soul. Why do we love? Why do we yearn for love? Why do some of us hate love? Is it because we're jealous and insecure beings that we have to love? Is it to make ourselves feel higher and better than others that we like to be loved by many? I'm not just talking strictly about relationships, i mean everything. I think that everyone desires love, because it's something that you NEED. It's like a tangible ecstacy, only YOU can feel it, it's not a physical object.

Sigh, i guess theres a little Shinji Ikari in all of us, just some of us are able to hide it better.

Peace out,
The King Of Random

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Self-promotion, Belonging and Lying.


Yeah i skipped a week of blogging because i am currently in my Trial HSC exam period and o boy it is just too gay. And no, i dont mean gay as in happy i mean gay as in fucking wack. Anyways, i thought my random (well not so much random) rant this week would be on three characteristics within humanity. These are: Self-promotion (well i don't know any other word to put it), Lying and Belonging. I think i'm going to discurss lying first otherwise you won't understand self-promotion.

So, how many of us lie? Everyone right? Correct. All of us lie to some extent but it is when you lie too much about too much shit that it gets just a little bit fucking annoying. The question i have for people though is why do you lie? Is it to protect yourself? Is it to promote yourself (WHEE HEE REFFERRENCE) ? Is it because you want to hurt someone? Yes, i do know why one would lie to make someone laugh or to hurt someone but what i don't get is why someone would lie to promote themselves. This is going to sound really upstuck, but i don't consider myself that much of a liar. I mean sure, before i was a pretty big liar and i thought i was low, but then i met certain people and that has totally warped my view. I think this is directed to somebody i know and i'm writing this for you. It will also lead to self-promotion which is another one of my issues which i will rant about.................................................................................... right now.

Self-promotion is a bitch. I don't get why people do it and often when they do do it people are stupid enough to believe them. It's not that i don't want people to be happy or whatnot, but fuck man think of a better way to make yourself look better. You see, my train of thought works like this: I'm shit, i will not accomplish anything. And it works, well for me it does, because the lower you expect of yourself, the happier you will be when you are able to break those barriers. Some people in my school seem to love self promoting themselves *cough cough Fat Annie cough cough* and i can't seem to understand this because CERTAIN INDIVIDUALS are attacking others because they claim they are self-promoting yet the true "tron bshit ppl lulz roflcopter le'lol mind rapers" are the ones who are on the offence. But i guess best defence is a good offence right guys? That's another thing you fuck-knuckle. You lack depth. Your a conformist, but your lying to me, because you listen to pop. Pop is the ultimate form of conformity. So please, drop that shit my friend cause your gay hard core asian teeny bopper shit is not impressing anybody. I can't seem to comprehend the way in which they lie in order to self promote themselves and how they can not feel any guilt because of it whatsoever.

And now, i want to talk about belonging. I am not sure if i speak for more than just myself, but within my school, i don't feel any sense of belonging. I don't have any friends you see, well i do but we dont chill anymore, rather than friends these people are just associates. Most of the time here i feel as if i'm just a staff member, someone who is here because he needs to be in order to support himself, sort of like the hotel staff at a graduation year's formal. But why do i randomly bring up belonging? Because of the formal and because it reminds me that i don't fit in anywhere, whether it be in Shanghai or Sydney. But there are some people and some places that i feel as if i'm a part of. And fuck, i can't think of any. Nah jokes man, i think... there are 2 places that come to mind. Parramatta lion dance group cause we've just done so many performances that we're all friends and what now and..... YUM CHA CRRREEEEWWWWWWW. Yayeh. Shanghai represent bitches. Someone said to me that it wasn't only me but it didn't really give me any consolation or nothing. It just sorta made my argument stronger. All of ya'll fuckers r going on a downward spiral and you really need to work things out but at this rate, it seems like graduation year is gonna be filled with more and more drama.

The King of Random

P.S. Hang in there dude, I'm on your side. Trust me.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

I am Random.

Hello people (2 of them... YES !!!),

So i just watched I am Sam and it was really good. It wasn't your typical movie, nor was it your typical sad, soft movie. It might have had a sort of cliche storyline, but god damn the director did it well. It's about a mentally handicapped man named Sam and he has a daughter but the department of child welfare find that he isn't capable of raising her, but he thinks he can. He pours all of his time and effort into her and she does the same vice versa. It really made me think because when i was watching the movie i saw alot of people hating on him well not hating on him but treating him like less than a person. And i see this shit alot in our streets happening. As far back as i can remember i couldn't ever stand this sort of stuff, just the thought of something like that makes my heart rush, i don't know how to describe it well but it sort of feels like someone is squeezing my heart and i feel unsafe, like anything might happen. I know that sounds really corny and shit especially coming from someone like me since i would be the type of person who would do that shit to those people.

To me, their relationship is sad because someone like me can't comprehend how their relationship will last. There are so many variables in this world, nothing is a constant and if any one of those variables changes, then that may have drastic effects towards some people. Maybe we're all blind to the fact that we can't understand the way the mentally handicapped work, it's not how they work but we can't comprehend the simplicity. I'm not saying that they're a bad thing, because if you think about it, it's sort of a good thing. If you were always happy but you couldn't understand things others could would you be unsatisfied? You can't say you are because you wouldn't be aware that you were unsatisfied. It's a strange question and i think most of us would accept who we are because of our intelligence. Anyways, i think that the movie exposes the hardships of people with intellectual disabilities but to an extreme extent. It's sort of like Forrest Gump, but much more emotional. I think that societies put too much pressure and expectations on these people and i know many people can counter this argument with the fact that they should be treated like equals and i do agree but i'm not sure. As individuals we neglect these people, think to yourself the last time there was a mentally handicapped person on the train did you sit near them? If they were going to ask you for your help, would you help them? I'm pretty sure that most people wouldn't. Nature, it seems, defines us as selfish creatures. But not all hope is lost, there are those who in my eyes are truly "good" and i can say they are perfect. To me, they are. And it isn't because they cured aids or became really famous, no, it's because of the simple things. It's because you pick someone's shit up when they drop their stuff, it's because if you saw someone lying on the ground you would call an ambulance and ask if they were ok, it's because if you saw someone crying in a hallway you would sit down next to them and try to help them. Those are just some examples, but i think you get what i mean. You gotta save the world, and 1 person can make a difference.

Peace out,
The King of Random

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Some people.


I was thinking about random shit to blog about and i came up with it. People. Not just any people though, THOSE people, the ones who cannot stand random questions. What the fuck is up with that? All i'm doing is asking a simple question and you give me the whole why the fuck are you asking blah blah blah. Just answer the fucking shit alright? Anyways, school's back on next week and i am seriously fucked for trials. Sigh, time really does go by fast and i wish i could turn back the clock but i can't. Dammit, if only i had met her earlier i probably would have done what she said. Don't think about what to do in the future, just focus, study, get a high mark and THEN think about the future. But it's too late... goddammit.

Formal is coming up, and for my buddies who don't know what that is it's prom, and i've lost the desire to go again. Shit like that depresses me for some reason and i think i've only told Will this, but i am a very jealous person. When i look around, i see people growing up, becoming more than me. Well, that's only partially true they were always more than me. But i guess i'm going to have to deal with it. And for some reason, selfishness just came to mind.

What is selfishness? What constitutes as being selfish? To me, everyone is selfish. Or at least everyone i know is. But... maybe i'm selfish because i am sure as hell that the person i want to read this won't read it unless i tell him to. You see, Ben told me that a relationship has to work both ways, it can't be one sided. And most of the time, it is. Fucker all i do is give and give and you don't give shit back. It could be said i'm being really selfish but i have to repay some favours you gave me when i needed them. Lol, looks like hatred is beginning to get the better of me. But maybe that's what i want. Nah, it isn't because Sue would hate to see me like that. Anyways, back to the topic of being selfish. If you don't really get what i meant when i said everyone is selfish i mean like... hhmmm it's weird. For example, if your going to commit suicide and someone who cares about you says it's selfish that your going to do it, then aren't they selfish for wanting you not to do it? Aren't they selfish because they know it's going to cause them pain and hence they don't want YOU to hurt THEM? I dunno i don't wanna make this too emo.

On the bright side of things, well for me at least, i'm training again with my B~boy teacher who is now my mentor by the way as he says. The system has been changed, i don't pay him for lessons anymore, i just buy him lunch. He changed it cause that's how it goes down in America XD which is pretty sweet it's so much more informal and i guess it's better cause you feel like you know your mentor better. Well, thats it for this week. Look forward to another random ass blog by me next week.... or not.

The King of Random

Saturday, July 12, 2008


Hello everybody,

So i was planning to blog about friendship and some bullcrap like that but i met up with a very old friend today and she dropped some dope knowledge on me. Anyways, other shit that has happened this week... hhmmm. Oh yeah, my failing 2000s. Aahhh gayness, indeed gayness. I was meant to go to a jam as well tommorow(well actually today since im writing this at 12:30 since i cant sleep... gayness) but im dropping out because im not ready for it lol. You see, if this was the HSC i wouldnt get that choice. I feel really tired at the moment so i think that this is going to be very very lazy. So lazy that it's going to be as shit as one of those asian proposals. Well proposal isnt a really good word for it no, what i mean is a Chris Chan beg you to go out with me plea and i think only me and Cassie will understand what i mean >_<..

Like i already said, i met a very very old friend whom i have known for a very long time and lol i dunno if this is a bad thing but the first thing i noticed was that she lost alot of weight. Well not alot but quite a bit since the last time i saw her which was...... fuck i cant remember. Oh well whatever it was really good to see her again, at first i felt a bit nervous and awkward i dont know why actually no thats a lie i do its because her boyfriend was there with her but he was actually really cool about it. She told me to be positive. See, usually if someone said that i wouldnt really listen but since shes like really pretty (You thought i wouldnt mention you didnt you Ben?) i listen. Nah im joking, its because she said she knows people with cancer and shit that makes my disease look like a scratch stay positive and then i realized i was being a very very very silly boy for the past... few... months i think? Yeah somewhere around that. Its true to an extent, we have to look forward or else we will only fall into our fears. Im still a bit of a skeptic about the optimism part though, because i still havent proved to myself i can do what i want. I try and i still fail. lol. But maybe Ben's right and maybe YJ's right, i have to be able to respect what i do. Sigh this is starting to sound really gay so ill just end this blog now. =_=...

Peace out,
The King of Random

Thanks for everything Sue.

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Hypocricy, the holidays and Olivia Thai. [Take-2]

AAAHHHH FUCK !!!! ==... Sorry. I was half writing this blog and then that gay msn shit came up where it has a search bar and i typed in a convo and then the thing came up and i pressed enter cause it came up the same time i pressed enter to send message and here i am writing it all over again. Ok so its another Saturday and here i go again with another 3 random random rants. The holidays, since it is the holidays now for me, Olivia Thai, a very very very sexy lady ;) and hypocricy. So im gonna talk about them in that order too because according to Benjamin im focusing on alot of negative shit but ill just save the negative shit till the very end k?

It is now the holidays for me a very short holidays, 2 weeks to be exact. But the thing is that its not really a holiday you see because after these holidays i have my trial HSC exams which are.... BIG. Mostly because of the fact that this is gonna determine about 50% of my final score but whatever. I'll probably fuck up like usual... which leads to my 3 goals for these holidays. First off, theres studying obviously but rather than studying, the goal here is to DO IT and get motivated because i say this every holiday but i never end up studying so yeah. Second goal is to get.... 2000s !!!!!! Damn they are sexy motherfuckers and i need some power anyways for Dancekool and Super Round Box 3. And... last but not least, get a japanese school girl, drug her, tie her up and enslave her. Nah im just jkin mangz... you know me, am i the type of guy who would be likely to do that? You decide. The real goal is to find what i want to do in the future sort of like find your meaning zen crap, which relates to the whole fucking up in school thing.

Olivia Thai.... sigh.... she is... breathtaking XD. Well to me she is. Lol shes got a great voice but its too... common for singers she sounds like every other pop star. But thats cool, coz... SHES FUCKING HOT... and her rack is amazing too... =). But, she has a boyfriend. And i think its that one guy from that uumm youtube channel JustKiddingFilms. Dammit that dude is so lucky T____T.. Oh and yeah she looks better without make up on coz when she does have make up on she sort of looks like a hooker. A 2-dime hooker.

If your wondering why im going to rant about hypocricy, then your a tool. Like a major super tool. Read the blog name douchebag, its the king of random for a reason. Nah im jkin. There is some reason behind the hypocricy thing. Its because i have a friend you see, and this friend has a blog. His first post was on how love is being used too lightly these days and how its lost all meaning, and lately, he is back into his ex, and hes doing something very very hypocritical and gay. Hes using that stupid Less than 3 shit, yes you know what im talking about, <3. So whos the motherfucker whos afraid to love now bitch? But its not only that, hes talking alot of shit about this chick whos actually pretty cool and no, if your reading this dude, its not Karen, its you. Yet i do alot of wack shit too, i talk behind peoples back, i plot and i scheme yet no one seems to get pissed off at me well except for the person im picking on. You know what this proves? He's weak. Hes a pragmatist. He changes to what benefits him. And its pretty fucked up, because i think hes trying to be all deep and shit, but really just no. How can he know anything? Hes rich. He fails by default. Lol im getting a bit too worked up now so imma just end this rant now and say: the human race is fucked up, accept it.

Peace out,
The King Of Random

Saturday, June 28, 2008


So today i randomly made this blog because well... according to Benjamin, im the king of random. So yeah, i guess i should talk about my topic. Its about humanity and i wanna discuss this issue because people are fucked up creatures. At heart i believe that they are all evil, greedy, jealous etc etc. It seems as though all people care about is themselves, but of course there are those who surpass us and may seem to be "good" as one could put it.

Because of the way in which people only care for themselves i think that the concept of reliability is... fucking petarded. If they only care about themselves then why are you putting effort into making THEIR lives better? All you do is give and give and give and you get fuck all back from them. I think if your reading this dude, you know who im talking about. Ive taken this concept so far as to using it against my parents... alot of you are going to say "omfg what a cunt, he should be grateful for his parents giving him a house to live under and... " yeah i think you get the point. But i do plan on returning the favour and if there was a way to give time back to someone, fuck, id probably do that for them too if they talked shit about it not just being the money. And when you do rely on others to make you feel better if your having a shit day (well they could make you feel better if they're a hot chick and they use their head or... their... you kno.... ) you end up being hurt because you realize they arent putting as much effort in as you.

Its strange because its like you can't live on your own, but you can't be dependent either. In my opinion i think we live in a dog eat dog world, and in this vile, twisted, evil world no sweet concepts such as love or happiness exist. But to an extent nor does evil. Because the evil people are usually the good people if that makes any sense. Its sort of like history. The people who write it are those who are in power and i think that if the nazis had won the second world war, everyone would have a very different perception on others.

And now im going to go off topic and talk about trust. It could be because trust is what builds dependency or the illusion of it but it could also be because im a random lol cunt. You decide. Trust... is a very hard thing to achieve. I know when i ask some people if they trust me or not they will say yes, but i always wonder if they really do... funky shit happens in the school i go to and yes, i am talking about E block. I dont really care at all, this is just funny for me, seeing all of you fucking each other over. Its sort of funny how all of you have been friends since like year 8, and now that were in year 12, weve suddenly turned into little kids. Or just middle aged women who have nothing to do.

Humanity is sick, it has become weak... but maybe it was always like this, its just i wasnt here to witness it.

Sincerely yours,
The King of Random